Phase 2 of the Basic Education Quality and Access in Lao PDR (BEQUAL) Program builds on the successful 7-year partnership between the Government of Australia and Government of Lao PDR in Phase 1 with the goal that “more primary school-aged children in Lao PDR, particularly those experiencing disadvantage, demonstrate increased engagement in learning and improved learning outcomes”.

BEQUAL Phase 2 continues to directly support the education priorities of the Lao Government described in the Education and Sports Sector Development Plan and is aligned to the strategic directions set out in Australia’s International Development Policy 2023.

BEQUAL Phase 1 (2015-2022) was focused on supporting MoES to revise the national primary curriculum to integrate a student-centred approach in which student engagement and learning is facilitated through activities, hands-on experience, and practical application. With BEQUAL support, MoES developed accompanying teaching and learning materials for teachers and students and rolled out nationwide curriculum orientation training for in-service teachers.

With the completion of the primary curriculum revision in school-year 2023-24, BEQUAL Phase 2 will shift focus to establishing a system for teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) that is school-based and responsive to locally-identified needs. Three Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) and 30 districts in their catchment areas are receiving targeted support to design and implement the new CPD system in line with MoES’ Decree 3342. BEQUAL will also continue to focus on ensuring gender equality and promoting inclusive education across all activities.

BEQUAL Phase 2 began on 1 July 2022, initially until June 2026, with the possibility of a further 4-year extension.

The total contribution of Australia to BEQUAL Phase 2 amounts to AU$30 million for the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026.

In June 2023, a new partnership between the Governments of Australia and the United States of America was signed for the expansion of BEQUAL Phase 2. USAID will contribute AU$3.5 million for the period from 9 June 2023 to 30 June 2026.

BEQUAL Governance

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BEQUAL Program Logic Model

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